September 7, 2024

The Shakespeare Society presented its first production, “Hamlet,” last Thursday and Friday in Ness Auditorium under director Amanda Rogus, ‘17.
Hamlet (Dan Butera) (8 of 12)“Directing this year’s production of ‘Hamlet’ was amazing. The text is so real that it makes the director’s job fun and rewarding,” Rogus stated.
The play starred Rogus as Hamlet; Johnathon Jacobsen, ’19, as Claudius; Kim Estenson, ’19, as Horatio; Kristen Feigel, ’19, as Ophelia; and Lexi Gallion, ’19, as Gertude. “Hamlet,” although featuring a predominantly female cast, managed to embrace all the male aspects of their respective characters.
“Hamlet” begins with a group of watchmen discovering a ghost who looks eerily like the recently deceased King. When Hamlet meets the ghost, a.k.a. his deceased father, he is beckoned off and learns that the death of his father was caused by his now stepfather, Claudius. In an effort to get revenge for his father’s death, Hamlet sets off on a journey to murder Claudius.
Along the way, Hamlet’s family and friends begin to worry that he’s gone mad over his love for Ophelia. After multiple observations and a murder, it is determined that Hamlet must be sent away, in order to save everyone from further harm. After a brief send off to England, Hamlet returns to finally conclude his revenge.
Although the plot of Hamlet is a rather dark and mysterious one, the students playing the characters of Hamlet didn’t fail to leave little jokes within the story. Each actor that took center stage did not fail to fully embrace the character they were portraying.
“I really felt that we were all very well-rehearsed, and I strongly feel that each actor’s dedication to the rehearsals showed in the performances,” Rogus said. “I was very proud of each actor’s performance, and felt the shows went very well. I am pleased with the work we put out.”
The cast of Hamlet began rehearsing in January, evident through its nearly flawless performances.
“I am extremely proud of the Shakespeare Society’s first production,” Rogus said. “I founded this club at the conclusion of my freshman year, and I am so happy to see how much we have gotten to grow and flourish over these past three years.”
The members of the Shakespeare Society are hoping to put out another production in the near future. With the talent of the members within the society, it would definitely be worth attending.

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