September 7, 2024

W-Day returned to its origins in the Hollow on Wednesday, Sept. 20, featuring a t-shirt give-away, zip line course and popcorn snacks. Although W-Day was filled with fun activities and every student’s favorite event, t-shirt giveaways, many students were disappointed in the lack of organization, particularly with the t-shirts.

“I feel as if the atmosphere for W-Day would be a lot more fun if I could get the t-shirt right out of the gate,” Sierra Sanchez, ’19, said.

These long lines and waits for t-shirts were due to an unexpected occurrence, however. Someone decided to steal a whole box of t-shirts, limiting the amount that Student Senate members could give out at one time.

“Unfortunately, that did happen and it was really sad to see because it messed up the flow for t-shirts,” Rachel Wallace, ’19 and Student Senate President, said.

Although the incident with the t-shirts was rather interruptive and unexpected, especially with a group of freshmen deciding to take their frustrations out on Student Senate members by yelling obscenities at them in line, Wallace was pleased with the amount of students that came out and seemed to enjoy this yearly event.

“As always, W-Day is an event in which Student Senate puts on in the hopes of creating a fun and welcoming environment for all members of campus to come out and get to know each other as the school year progresses on,” Wallace said.

For the past two years, W-Day took place in Pam Evans Smith Arena due to the unwelcoming weather conditions outside.

“As we listened to student interest, we decided to take the event back to the Hollow to recognize the tradition of hosting W-Day there,” Wallace said. “We also focused on working with other organizations on campus to help spread the essence of inclusiveness that this event is all about.”

One of the student organizations that was featured at the event was a booth for awareness of the Lesotho Nutrition Initiative, where members talked to interested students regarding the mission of their initiative.

As students reflect on this year’s W-Day, students can send an email to Wallace discussing their opinion and feedback of the event.

“We are looking forward to taking students’ feedback and continuing to keep W-Day as the tradition and fun-filled events it’s always been for future years,” Wallace said.

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