January 15, 2025

“Cabaret,” a musical drama originally created in 1966, is now a popular Broadway musical and was performed by Wittenberg students in Chakeres Theater April 12 through 15.
The musical takes place in Berlin in the 1930s where tensions are growing due to the Nazi party in a nightclub called the Kit Kat Klub.
The Klub is run by Master of Ceremonies, Emcee (Taylor Oberschlake, ’20,) and features cabaret girls. The main character is a cabaret girl named Sally Bowles (Kim Estenson, ’19) who, after performing one night, draws the attention of a writer named Clifford Bradshaw (Logan McCord, ’19).
Those who attended enjoyed the performance, according to Alexandra Schmidt, ’20.
“It was really great,” Schmidt said. “It kept you interested the whole time, and the acting and dancing was really good it didn’t feel like a college production.”
Overall, the Wittenberg community looks forward to the theater department’s next big production.

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