September 7, 2024

That week is coming. The week where “club lib” (aka the library) is open late and Station 1 closes early. The whole campus is backwards for the week, no one knows what to do with themselves. This campus prides itself on being well-rounded. We go to class, do our homework, play sports, attend meetings, but the night is dedicated to us. For the week in question, you no longer have your nights. It is finals week. It’s rapidly approaching, buckle up because we are about to give you some tips on how to kick finals in the a**. 

First of all, get your homework done now. Do not wait until the last week to approach professors about extra credit or help with assignments or concepts. The time for that is now and the period of forgiveness is quickly closing. That paper that is due in two weeks? Do it now. That presentation you have coming up? Do it now. Do not overestimate the power of your mind and stretch your focus way past its worth. If you get all of your other work done early you will have more time to focus on your exams.

Now in order for you to truly understand why we are saying start now, we want you to put yourself in the second week of December. You finished your last week of classes and the dream of a break from school is quickly approaching reality. But, you have the biggest tests of the semester to get past before break is truly here. Sledding with your families and friends from home, drinking hot chocolate, frolicking in the snow, celebrating the holidays, and eating good home-cooked meals is in your future. But don’t forget to celebrate the holidays properly, we are talking about having those beers and vodka cranberries with your families. You can’t come back to campus with a low tolerance, we will be disappointed. 

Not only during this week are you mentally exhausted from the semester but you are also physically exhausted from it. Well, pull yourself together. While you are busy stu(dying), there is also a lot of opportunities for you to hang out with your friends. If you choose to manage your time and begin your studying now you will have a lot of extra time to enjoy that glass of wine or go for that cup of coffee. You are about to leave heaven on earth (Wittenberg) for a month, you want to take advantage of all of the time you can get with your friends. As seniors, we know this all too well. On one special night of finals week, you can smell the tater tots crisping in the oven and the egg’s sizzling in the pan as the CDR prepares to host their annual Midnight Breakfast. This is the perfect time to seize the opportunity to be with your friends and enjoy a meal together before embarking on one of the hardest weeks as a college student. 

Final’s week does not live up to its horror stories, you will be okay. If you take our advice and begin preparing for it as soon as those professors give you the study guides. It is fun to study with your friends… especially when you do it the Dirty Blonde way (turn it into a drinking game). But remember we as Witt students take our academics seriously so get your stuff done and we will see you at Station 1. 

Start studying,

Your Dirty Blondes.

P.S We want to talk about what you want to read about! Give us some suggestions below.

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