September 7, 2024

The Alma Mater and Alma Lux are selected on the basis of character and integrity, service to the community, concern for others, and high levels of scholarship representing standards of excellence on campus.  Five junior women and five junior men from the class of 2021 have been chosen as finalists for these honors.

Alma Mater Nominations

Elaina Adams         

Adams is majoring in biology and minoring in health science. The Livonia, MI native has also been involved in Alpha Lambda Delta, Beta Beta Beta, Chi Alpha Sigma, Emerging Leaders, Gamma Phi Beta, PanHellenic Council, Advisory Council for Student Athletes, Student Senate and Wittenberg Softball. On top of this, Adams has worked as an orientation assistant and student involvement coordinator.

Saylor Frye             

Frye hails from Bluffton, SC and is currently double majoring in history and political science, while also minoring in women’s studies. She has been involved in Alpha Lambda Delta; Alpha Delta Pi, where she has been historian and president; the Green Club; History Journal; Honor Council; CABLE Business Leadership; Pick-N-Pen and Union Board. Frye has also worked as a peer mentor and orientation assistant.

Abby Glass              

Glass keeps herself busy through her involvement in Common Ground, Emerging Leaders, Kappa Delta, Lutheran Student Movement, programming for Union Board, Weaver Chapel Association and the Wittenberg Math Club. She has also worked as a Resident Advisor. Originally from Signal Mountain, TN, Glass is a double major in environmental science and religion.

Charlotte Hurst                   

Originally from Athens, OH, Hurst is majoring in international studies with a focus of Peace Corps. Preparation, while also minoring in Spanish and religion. She has been a member of Alpha Lambda Delta; Alpha Phi Omega; Emerging Leaders; Sigma Kappa, where she is a President; Ivy Ring; Lesotho Nutrition Initiative and Pick-N-Pen. Hurst is also a secretary for Student Senate and Union Board, as well as a peer mentor.

Zori Parker                      

Parker grew up just down the road in Columbus, OH, and is currently majoring in accounting and finance. She has been involved in Build a Better Wittenberg; CABLE Business Leadership; Concerned Black Students, where she is the treasurer; Common Ground; Imani Gospel Choir; Residence Hall Association; Shades of Pearls; Union Board; Witt Invest; and she is also a Resident Advisor.

Alma Lux Nominations

Blake Atwell                       

Atwell arrived to Wittenberg from Lewis Center, OH. He is majoring in accounting while minoring in business. Atwell is currently a Resident Advisor, is the Programming Chair for Beta Theta Pi, and is the treasurer for Residence Hall Association. He also spends time on the Lesotho Nutrition Initiative, Tau Pi Phi and Union Board.

Caleb Austin               

Hailing from Harrod, OH, Austin is a biology major with a minor in education. Outside of his studies, he has also been involved as an admissions tour guide and a Witten’Burbs Resident Advisor, as well as a member of Chi Alpha Sigma, the athletic honorary; Emerging Leaders; the Green Club; Kappa Delta Pi, the education honorary; Wittinvest; Wittenberg Soccer and Wittenberg Track and Field.

Nathan Baulch              

A major in music education, Baulch is originally from Nashville, TN. He is a member of Chi Alpha Sigma, the athletic honorary; Ohio Collegiate Music Education Association; brass quartet; symphonic band; Student Athlete Advisory Committee; National Association for Music Educators and Wittenberg Tennis.

Braeden Bowen            

Bowen came to Wittenberg by way of Lexington, KY. He breaks his free time with Phi Eta Sigma, Pick-N-Pen, College Democrats and “The Wittenberg Torch.” Bowen is also a resident advisor, while also majoring in political science and computer science with a minor in Russian.

Deion Woodson            

Originally from Westerville, OH, Woodson is a double major in marketing and art. He has also been involved with CABLE Business Leadership, Phi Kappa Psi, where he worked as the historian; the Interfraternity Council, as lead in public relations, and Wittenberg Men’s Volleyball. He also is a tour guide for admissions.

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