September 7, 2024

“I do enjoy them. There are some good ones, and there are definitely some varying opinions on them. I especially loved Joyce Carol Oats’ lecture.” – Stone Gibson, ’18
“I haven’t gone to any. A lot of them that seemed up my alley I haven’t been able to attend, but I think they are a great idea.” – Gabby Orozco, ’17
“I feel like what they should do is cut it so it’s not a requirement for the first year seminar, and we should be able to pick three out of the six.” – Ryan Busch, ’18
“I think that they’re important, and I think they’re interesting to go to. I especially like when they bring in international speakers because it brings diversity to the campus.” – Olivia Otto, ’15
“I think that they’re a lot of fun for the most part. There’s a lot of variety, which is really nice.” – Laura Flynn, ’16
“I haven’t been to any this year. They all occur when I have something going on.” – Becca Melvin, ’17
“I haven’t been to any Witt Series events ever.  I just haven’t really cared about any of them enough to go to them.” – Cory Ross, ’16
“I like to go to a lot of the musical ones. [Witt Series events] tend to cover a lot of topics, and not all of them are personally interesting to me.” – Harrison Wood, ’16
“I think they’re great for Wittenberg students. They expand your knowledge on topics you wouldn’t ordinarily learn about in the classroom setting.” – Philip Buford, ’17
“I went to the Joyce Carol Oats one. That was fun.” – Valerie Halvorsen, ’17
“I really liked the Michio Kaku one, but all the others were pretty lame.” – Jake Haas, ’18
“I think that they are getting better over time. They are bringing in a large crowd which is beneficial to the student body and the university as a whole. Then put in like a Tony the Tiger ‘They’re Grrrrrrreat!'” – Michael Southard, ’16

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