September 7, 2024

If I’ve learned one thing in my four years at Wittenberg, it’s to do what makes you happy: not your roommate, not your parents, not your partner, you.
As a freshman coming from out of state with no friends at Wittenberg, I quickly latched onto the girls on my floor and didn’t want to go anywhere without my squad. We rolled 12 deep into the CDR at 5 p.m. for dinner; we tried to form separate groups when going out so we wouldn’t be accused of wolf-packing. We were always together.
While I loved having a supporting group that wanted to eat dinner with me and work out with me, it was harder to deal with when they didn’t want to do things with me. I would always ask people to go to soccer games, and they either weren’t interested or were too busy. While I started to go by myself, I never really enjoyed the games as much. Sometimes, I would even leave before the game was over because I felt so lonely and awkward.
Even though people probably didn’t even notice me, I felt like everyone was staring and judging me for going to a sports game alone.
Fast forward four years, and I’ve finally grown into someone that is confident in herself and unwavering in interests. Last weekend, while almost all of campus was living it up for spring break, I was on campus student teaching. There was one other person living in my house, compared to the usual 25, and I needed something to do after teaching and having my practice interviews.
I just decided to do exactly what I wanted, when I wanted. I made mid-day trips to Target; I drove to Beavercreek for Thai food; I went to Columbus for a Blue Jacket’s game. All by myself.
Waiting in line for the discounted student tickets, I felt like myself four years before. I was nervous and uncomfortable and stayed glued to my phone the entire hour I waited. As the line started to move, a group of people in front of me started talking to me. We ended up sitting in the same row, and we hung out the entire game.
Although the team I went to see didn’t win, I did get to experience an incredible game that went into an overtime shootout. My new-found friend bought me a puck from the game and even a bottle of water when I said my voice was sore. I drove home disappointed that I couldn’t see an Oilers win, but so happy that I decided to go that night.
The older I get, the less I care about pleasing others and the more I care about doing what I want. After graduation, I won’t see most Witt students again, just like I don’t see my high school classmates anymore. So why should I go through life caring about what they think? This May, I’ll be walking across the stage with my degree and a new-found attitude to do me, whatever that may be. So I suggest the same to you; treat yourself and you do you.

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