September 7, 2024

Junior Emma Ficke just started her third season on the Tigers’ softball team. Ficke, a Cincinnati native, plays first base and third base for the team. She is an art major and has a concentration in graphic design, and as an upperclassman, Ficke assumes a number of roles on campus.
Aside from being a member on the softball team, Ficke is a member of the Student Athlete Advisory Committee (SAAC), is on the Student Alumni Board (SAB) and is a member of the Sigma Kappa sorority.
Ficke said that the chance to be a part of both a team and a sorority is “awesome” because both groups of girls are like families.
“It’s nice to have a different set of friends, especially during season because I’m around softball girls all the time. It’s nice to have another group,” Ficke said.
As a representative for the softball team in SAAC, Ficke is really grateful for the opportunity. Ficke said she loves being part of an organization that works to better our athletics on campus and lets the athletes voice their opinions. As a member of the SAB, Ficke has the chance to enhance the relationship between Wittenberg’s students and alumni by connecting with them on a professional and personal level.
Being a member of these organizations has helped Ficke in her three years at Wittenberg:
“It has allowed me to grow as a leader and also a student-athlete,” she said.
When asked Ficke what her best experience at Witt has been so far, she said that being a member of the softball team has been the best for her.
“We have been really close the past three years, and it makes playing a lot more fun,” Ficke said.
Outside of school, Ficke said her hobbies include watching sports and hanging out with her friends. Ficke said she loves to be goofy and crazy, two of the qualities that make her such a fun person to be around.
This year, Ficke is excited to see how the team matures and gets better as the season goes on, as they are very young. She is also hopeful for the team to win the North Coast Athletic Conference (NCAC) tournament later in the season.
 As summer nears and the semester heads to a close, Ficke is looking to get an internship in graphic design, she hopes somewhere in Cincinnati or here in Springfield.

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