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The Wittenberg The Torch

Torch is Returning

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     The Torch, Wittenberg University’s student-run newspaper, is back online after a long hiatus. A new energized crew of student editors and reporters say the publication will publish weekly or bi-weekly this semester, beginning with the re-launch on March 3. The new Torch will strive to accurately reflect the changes and challenges confronting Wittenberg. Wittenberg has been faced with a dramatic drop-off in enrollment, financial mismanagement, and an uncertain future. 

     "Now, more than ever before, student voices need to be heard," said Evelyn Huspen, the Torch's editor-in-chief. "Decisions are being made at Witt 'on students behalf' without direct input from students. The Torch has been around for almost as long as this university and it is one of the most vital ways we as students can be a part of larger conversations outside of classrooms." Huspen, an English major and Journalism minor, is hoping to encourage more student engagement across campus with the relaunch.

     The Wittenberg Torch was first established in 1873, but since the pandemic in 2020, the historic club has struggled to retain membership and keep the momentum going. The last story was published in May of 2024.

     Last November, students interested in reviving the publication met with longtime journalist and adjunct professor D’Arcy Fallon to talk about the logistics of attracting more interest in the publication. The Torch signed on with a new content management system, SNworks, so it can become more nimble and user-friendly for student writers. 

     Under its previous advisor, the Torch struggled with student participation. It was hard to find students who were motivated to write, there were infrequent meetings, and it lacked organization.

     “I was disappointed with the little amount of effort that was going into it last semester," said Torch managing editor Sarah White, who'd worked on the paper previously.

     Many may wonder: Why now? Universities across the nation are struggling financially due to lower enrollment numbers and Wittenberg is not exempt. Jeff Mefford, a sophomore and marketing major serving as the Torch's features and social media editor this semester, acknowledged getting the paper going again was difficult, especially in the face of so much uncertainty.  “It's really hard to start something during a time when Wittenberg is dealing with so much," Mefford said. 

     Fallon agreed to serve as the Torch's faculty advisor during its re-launch. She served as the Torch's advisor for about a decade before retiring in 2024. She came to Wittenberg in 2004 and taught creative writing and journalism. Prior to her career in academia, Fallon was an award-winning reporter for three large metropolitan papers. 

     Eager for students to take ownership of the paper and use it as a platform, Fallon gives her support,  “Students need to bear witness to what’s going on, report on their lived experiences, whether it’s having the university close down for a week because of bomb threats or write about having key programs cut due to financial problems." She went on to add, "Students are facing uncertainty and challenges as their world keeps changing.”

     White agreed that student input was paramount. “Join the Torch! We are going to be opinionated, and we are not going to hide student voices.”

     Fallon echoed White's sentiments. “It’s a new day and we’re all delighted to see the Torch reignite.” She stressed that any student can write for the Torch and attend weekly meetings, which are open to everyone. “The Torch is a student-run publication. A student publication is a living laboratory of failures and successes. It’s by and for the students. I want to see us succeed.”

The Torch's new editors and reporters include:

Evelyn Huspen, Editor in Chief (

Sarah White, Managing Editor (

Jeff Mefford, Features and Social Media Editor (

Rayne James, Sports Editor (

Riane Burton, Asst. Sports Editor (

Ben Glassman, General Assignmnet Reporter,  (

Gabby Fronk, Entertainment Reporter, (

Zora Shakhan, General Assignment Reporter (

If there is any interest in participating, please reach out to Fallon or one of the elected editors, or join in the Monday and Thurday night meetings in Room 001 of Shouvlin at 7:30 PM each week.