Wittenberg’s theater and dance department delivered a chilling performance this past weekend with the...
10. To qualify for Best Picture, a film needs to be at least 40...
Zoos having to put down animals is no new tragedy, but few do it...
From multiple movies to various educational panels, the Ohio Latin Americanist Conference (OLAC) brought...
The past couple years have seen a decline in the number of Honors seminars...
English majors just may be employable after all. Kelsey Swindler, ’12, visited Wittenberg Tuesday, Feb....
If you’ve taken part in Wittenberg University’s tradition of streaking the Hollow, Interim Chief...
Good news for current seniors looking for work after graduation: Wittenberg graduates are getting...
With advising week steadily approaching Wittenberg students will have the opportunity to become a...
Since Wittenberg’s announcement last year of several departmental cuts students have heard little additional...