On a mission to retrieve samples from Mars, a group of astronauts comes across...
Month: March 2017
“Having light we pass it on to others.” Students gathered in the CDR this...
Wittenberg continues to expand its athletic horizons with the addition of a water polo...
The Wittenberg and Springfield community gathered on March 24 for a game-changing event, the...
Baseball Wednesday, March 22nd...
After Katie Warber stepped down as First Year Seminar (FYS) Coordinator before spring break,...
Tracing its roots back to the 1960s, Wittenberg University hosted its annual Sibs Weekend...
The popular adult-coloring trend has been spreading like wildfire in the past year, and...
This past Saturday, David Schubert’s baritone vocals filled Krieg Recital Hall with a variety...
This past Saturday, the Tigers couldn’t be stopped from scoring as Edwards-Maurer Field played...