January 31, 2025

On a brisk Friday evening, dozens of students gathered outside of the Student Center to bask in the sunlight and show their artistic flair. Students were given ceramic pots that they were able to paint. Students first had to properly plan how they were going to liven up their reddish-tan pot. Next, students squeezed out paint onto a newspaper and began creating their masterpiece. After letting the paint dry, students were then able to fill their pots with soil and plant flowers to take into their summer.

The Pot Party, run by the Residential Housing Association, began at 6 p.m. As students left the CDR, they were able to stop right outside of the Student Center to participate in the festivities. Students were spread sporadically through the area. The atmosphere at the event was lively as different groups were starting and finishing their work.

Students sat around the raised patio area by Wally Witt and focused on painting their pots. Many paint tubes and a variety of paint brushes were offered to help students express their creativity. Student took a variety of approaches to painting their pots; some students painted the entire pot one color, others painted the rim one color and the rest another while others came up with unique designs.

While many students made fantastic designs, a couple that stood out were a pot the had the Wittenberg logo painted on the side and red lines making their way up the pot, while another student painted marvelous streaks around the container, creating a rainbow-like movement.

While painting, students casually chatted with their friends around the area. Chatter filled the air as students were asking questions like, “What colors do I have to mix to get gold?” and, “Are you an art student?” Students could also enjoy the food that was laid out. This included cosmic brownies and other sugary treats perfect for an after-dinner snack.

After completing their painting and allowing their pots to dry, students were then ready to plant their flowers. After filling pots to their pleasing, students were offered an assortment of seeds to choose from. These seeds ranged from cosmos, mixed wildflowers, dahlias, forget me nots and more.

Kristen Eikenberry, ‘20, painted her pot with red and black polka dots and a yellow rim. She also planted the wildflower seeds and commented, “I enjoyed getting into the spirit of spring with people I live around.”

PJ Brady, ‘20, a member of the executive board for RHA planted forget-me-nots. She chose to paint her pot yellow because it is her favorite color. She had enjoyed the event saying her favorite part was “the painting of the pots.”

“The event was a lot of fun to plan and we were really happy to see such a great turnout to the event,” Brady said.

After completing their pots, students were able to head back to their dorms with a new creation to liven up their rooms for a few more weeks and to take home and raise throughout the summer.

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