January 31, 2025

Alpha Xi Delta spread pens, positivity and puns Tuesday, Jan. 15, in the Hollenbeck atrium.

From 11 a.m. to 1 p.m., the girls passed out 266 free pens with notes attached to them that said, “The Sisters of Alpha Xi Delta wish you an ink-credible semester.”

The purpose of the event was “to get our faces out there and be a bright light to people at the start of their semester,” Rachel Porrello, ’19, said.

Kaya Cull, ’20, said she came up with the idea to show the campus AXiD supports them and their academic endeavors. Cull also said, “plus everybody loves a good pun” and that the event was spreading awareness.

Cull; Porrello; Sam Watson, ’19; Abigail Crum, ’19; Alexandra Schmidt, ’20, and Hannah Winget, ’22, helped pass out the pens, where they began with 300 at the beginning and by the end of the event had 34 left.

The pens and notes used both blue and gold, the sororities colors, to promote their sorority.  The notes also referenced AXiD’s motto, which is: “The pen is mightier than the sword.”

According to Watson this meant one’s head is stronger than using forceful actions; Cull said using words and intellect is more effective than the use of fists; and Porrello said words may have more impact than physical actions—in a helpful or hurtful way.

This means, “The way in which you use your words speaks for your actions,” Crum said.

As classes let out, more students approached the table and received pens. Watson said the event was focused towards students more than professors, but it was for the Wittenberg community.

AXiD is currently planning other events to bring the Wittenberg community together.

Greek life is a big part of campus and since AXiD is a part of the Greek community and Wittenberg community, they have an obligation to support both; they also have sisters involved in a lot of different areas in the Wittenberg community, Watson said.

They have helped expand the Greek community along with many of their sisters additional involvement in different organizations across campus, Porello said.

“[I’m] obviously biased but AXiD is a great sisterhood of women that holds philanthropy events for the community to engage in and it just adds to the Greek life community—this is true of all sororities though,” Watson said.

“I enjoy that we have the chance to empower women and take back the stereotypes people may have about female groups,” Porrello said.

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