February 14, 2025

(Warning: Contains Spoilers)

2020, the year of the pandemic, promotes the possibility of spending everyday in your pajamas watching Netflix. Many Americans are streaming dozens of shows and movies on various platforms, getting hooked on more content than ever.

In 2019, Netflix and Gerald Way, lead singer of the band “My Chemical Romance,” joined to put out a show called “Umbrella Academy”. The show’s diverse cast consists of Aidan Gallagher, Ellen Page, Tom Hopper, Robert Sheehan, Emmy Raver-Lampman and David Castañeda. The cast is very different from a typical television show, which is a good thing. I think we need to be more open to more diverse actors and actresses.

At the time, there was only one season of the show. But now, there are currently two seasons on the popular streaming service. The Hargreeves siblings are back in the new season full of comedy, drama and action-packed fighting scenes. Like the beginning of most television shows, the first season revolved around the audience getting to know the characters and what they are like, including flashbacks and family life. In this second season, the family is split up and they must face challenges on their own.

Each challenge they face, however, seems to mirror what their personality, image and style is like as a person. For instance, Klaus Hargreeves, or Number Four, is a leader of a cult-like group and his followers believe he is a person of a higher power. Weirdly, Klaus has no leadership background at all, so that attracts the viewers.

Another instance of where the character matches their style is with Alison Hargreeves. Throughout the new season, Alison is a civil rights leader during the 1960’s, which makes sense because she always seems to stand up for what she believes in. In one episode, her character conducts sit-in’s at “white’s only” diner.

The show seems to hit on sensitive subjects throughout the new season, like the Civil Rights Movement. The timing of the new season couldn’t be more superstitious because, for months now, there have been riots and protest concerning the Black Lives Matter movement. Alison is a good role model for younger viewers watching, showing them that they can stand up for what they believe in and not be unjustly served.

This new season has only been out for a few weeks, but it already has some positive reviews. According to the popular movie review website, Rotten Tomatoes, the new season is “ exhilarating second season lightens its tonal load without losing its emotional core, giving the super siblings room to grow while doubling down on the time traveling fun.” This new season is a must watch because it has funny characters, an attention-grabbing plot, and some iconic music.

The music in this new season seems to have some classical undertones and upbeat pop tunes all rolled into one. You won’t know what to pay attention to more, the music or the actual new season itself, but both seem to be very good when focused on individually and together.

There is a third season in the works for the show, but nothing is certain yet. A popular show like this would hopefully have another widely popular season too. A lot of people have been waiting for the second season to come out, it is been a year since the first one and now everyone can watch both seasons repeatedly.

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