February 14, 2025

For eight days, starting at 3 a.m. Saturday, Jan. 20 until 8 p.m. on Jan. 28, no woman going through the Greek recruitment process, as well as current sorority members, could go to parties, bars, drink, or even be seen around alcohol — even if they were of age. Fraternities, however, have no restrictions on alcohol or partying during their formal recruitment. Not only is the “Dry Week” rule outdated and unjust, but it perpetuates sexist stereotypes.  

As a 21-year-old adult, I could not have a drink with my dinner at a restaurant, or even be somewhere surrounded by people drinking without the chance of being ‘caught’ and someone reporting it to Jade Jones, Wittenberg’s Director of Student Involvement.  

If you are caught and reported drinking during these eight days, it can lead to an infraction and a fine of at least $200. For my sorority specifically, I would have to pay the entirety of that fine, with the money going to the Panhellenic Council. 

Formal recruitment should be a time when we promote Greek Life and create a positive, supportive environment for women; however, instead, nearly every year, it turns into girls reporting each other for infractions. It’s invasive and creates a nasty, competitive, out-to-get-you environment among the sororities.  

“Dry Week” perpetuates the idea that sorority women must have a clean, ‘good girl’ image — refraining from partaking in anything that would make us look ‘dirty’, such as drinking or partying. This is even evident in other aspects of formal recruitment, as fraternities can still use the term “rush”, but sororities must only use the term “recruitment”. Fraternities’ formal rush involves fun, casual events such as casino nights, bowling, and card games whereas sorority women have far more restrictions and rules.  

Despite the strictness, I still do (mostly) enjoy formal sorority recruitment, and I don’t think we should necessarily become as laid back as fraternity-style rush. However, I do believe we must get rid of “Dry Week”, as forcing of-age women to refrain from drinking does more harm than good for the overall environment surrounding recruitment.  

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