September 7, 2024

Spring break is approaching faster than you may think. With classes, exams, jobs and sports consuming your everyday life, it is easy to lose sight of the more important things in life… like spring break! From diet to clothes, packing and planning, there’s no need to worry. Here are some tips to help you minimize the stress and strain as this break steadily approaches.

The first thing to do when preparing for spring break is to start watching what you eat if you’re hitting up the beach scene this March. All the late night cravings and Taco Bell runs add up – believe me – the Freshman 15 is real. To avoid feeling bloated or uncomfortable on the beach, start by making day to day decisions about eating. Swap out the sweets and bread for veggies and dip or smoothies. Don’t deprive yourself of anything delicious, but making small decisions about healthier eating will make a big difference when you’re soaking up the sun in that bikini. And if dieting is not a priority to you, then by all means, keep on keeping on, eat that Steak ’n Shake with no regrets and more power to you.

Another thing to consider is wardrobe and making sure you have clothes for warm climates. Grab the flip flops and tank tops next time you’re home and start to make a checklist for everything you need to buy, pack and bring along. There is nothing worse than getting ready to hit the beach and not having swimsuit bottoms or your sunglasses with you. Don’t let clothing and accessories take priority over things like sunscreens or lotions. Remember, no cosmetics left behind.

The last thing to do when preparing for spring break is making sure that you have plans lined up once you get to your destination. Double check your accommodations and make sure you know the area fairly well in regards to shopping, restaurants and any attractions you can participate in during break. Look up possible “iconic” staples of the area, whether it be a locally run seafood shack or a historic light house. Find some fun things to do with your companions to utilize the time. Be the hero of the group by having more to offer to the conversation than, “I don’t care what we do.” And make sure you check out nearby movie theaters or museums for those dreaded rainy days that seem to sneak up on us during our precious beach time.

Don’t wait until the last minute to try and pack, diet and plan a full vacation – there is always way more to be done than we anticipate. Spread out the tasks as soon as you can, at least two or three weeks in advance to alleviate potential conflicts. Remember, vacations are supposed to be fun and relaxing, so take these steps to ensure a worry-free spring break vacation.


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