September 7, 2024

This is Zazpi! He’s a 4PAWs puppy from the Seven litter. He loves to eat hands, as most puppies do, and he likes his bone. Zazpi (pronounced Zaz-pee) is a good boy who works hard in Wittenberg’s Information Technology department with handler Amber Modlin. If you see Zazpi around campus, be sure to give him a pet or maybe a scratch behind his ears.

Zazpi is very sweet but cannot have stuffed animals, just like all 4PAWs puppies. He is very energetic up until he walks around campus all day. He will bring you joy to brighten up your day with kisses and might take a nap on your shoe. He is curious, sweet and honestly brings a smile to everyone he meets because he’s such a good boy. Zazpi loves people and his toys, so don’t try to take them away while he’s chewing on them because that’s mean.

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