“Nope.” Sebasian Anderson ’14
“Kind of. I believe in spirits, but not crazy stuff.” Adrienne Stout ’14
“I believe in ghost adventures, but I don’t believe in the “Long Island Medium” type of thing.” Jillian Stout ’17
“No, but I don’t play around. I’m not going to intentionally walk under a ladder. Why play with the idea?” John Young, Assoc. Dean
“Yes, I so believe in ghosts! So yes.” Loren Combs ’16
“Yes. I believe in ghosts and demons and paranormal activity and like the real scary stuff.” Nathan Marceau ’15
“No. What? No.” Nathaniel Fullmer ’16
“No. I don’t believe in ghosts.” Gabe Sayers ’16
“I don’t doubt that they exist.” Sam Reynolds ’14