September 7, 2024

Mary-Elizabeth Pratt ’15
As students, staff, and faculty may have noticed, many of the emails regarding security that would normally be sent from the Wittenberg Chief of Police have been coming from Lt. Mark Lopez. Former Chief of Police Donald Lucas resigned without comment after Thanksgiving Break during the fall semester.
Lopez, a member of the University Police and Security Community, has taken on the role of Interim Chief of Police and Director of Security during the search for Lucas’s replacement. Lucas’s photo and information have been taken down from the Department of Security website, and Lopez’s photo and information have been added, with his interim title, in place.
Debbie DeWitt, Director of Budgets, is heading the search committee and could not be reached for comment. Lopez stated that he has applied for the position, but it is unclear when candidates will be chosen for the position and announced to the community.

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