January 16, 2025

With less than 100 days until graduation many seniors are shifting their focus from the classroom to the classifieds as life after Wittenberg becomes a reality.
Seniors Alec Biehl, Eric Mann, and Rachael Ross have begun the process of planning post-graduation, and although they have varying interests, they have had success in balancing class and job-searching.
Biehl, a mathematics major and head tutor at Wittenberg’s Math Workshop, said he plans on attending graduate school in the fall. He has narrowed his options between three institutions where he plans to earn a PhD in geography and eventually would like to become a professor and leader of interdisciplinary education.
Biehl encourages his peers to be flexible with their ambitions, stating that what they may aim to do in life may not be led to on a direct path, but to make the most of what schooling has to offer.
“Make the most of your summers. Save up money from work, find a meaningful internship and participate in research in your field of study,” said Biehl. “Also diversify your portfolio to be competitive in the job or graduate school market.”
Mann, a computer science major and supplemental instructor, plans on entering the job market after graduation and eventually earning a master’s degree in high performance computing.
Mann chose to utilize Wittenberg’s Career Service Center and cites the center as an “invaluable resource.”
“They can help you create your resume, prepare for interviews and even set you up with job search websites like Careershift,” said Mann.
Although he has not currently found a job he said he remains positive and says while a dream job may not come immediately, some jobs are worth fighting for. Offering words to sophomores and juniors, Mann advises to be careful of what is posted on social media and to begin searching for jobs early.
“Get internships your sophomore and junior summers,” said Mann. “They open so many doors and may even land you a job when you graduate; start making connections and follow through with them. College is a great networking tool.”
Ross, who has interned for State Auto Insurance and Grange Insurance, has earned a position with Fifth-Third Bank in Cincinnati, OH. Along with Careershift and Wittenberg Career Services, Ross cites LinkedIn as a useful tool in connecting with faculty and alumni.
“The biggest challenge is getting your foot in the door,” Ross said. “The key is getting your resume noticed and landing an interview because recruiters get a lot of applicants and resumes to look through. You have to get yours to stand out.”
To underclassmen Ross advises, “Get experience. It is almost essential to have some sort of internship in order to get a job nowadays or leadership experience.”
Other websites students may find useful include Glassdoor, in which companies are rated by employees and job seekers, and Vault, which offers company reviews and rankings as well as resume building and cover letter tips.
Wittenberg Career Services posts job and internship openings through their Facebook page and offers daily office hours to students.

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