September 16, 2024

On Thursday May 1, the Obama administration released the names of 55 colleges and universities all across the United States that are currently being put under investigation by the Department of Education for potential violations in handling sexual assault cases. And among these 55 appeared our very own Wittenberg University.
Just three days prior, the White House released a set of guidelines meant to pressure colleges to do more to prevent and punish sexual assault on campus. Any university that was found to be not in agreement with the recommended steps would face possible law enforcement or levy penalties.
“Colleges and universities need to face the facts about sexual assault,” Vice President Joe Biden said on Tuesday. “No more turning a blind eye or pretending it doesn’t exist. We need to give victims the support they need, like a confidential place to go, and we need to bring the perpetrators to justice.”
Friday evening, Wittenberg students were also sent an email from President Laurie Joyner with her own statement on the matter.
“We are a mission-driven, student-centered University,” said Joyner, “and we are committed to proactively preventing gender discrimination, including sexual harassment and assault, on all fronts.”
According to the email, Wittenberg’s presence on the Department of Education’s list does not for sure mean that the school is in violation of the law. It simply means that we are under investigation, and concerned students should expect the university to adhere to the government’s standards regarding sexual assault on campus.
Fran Stygar

1 thought on “Obama Administration’s Crackdown on Campus Sexual Assault Hits Home

  1. It should not be necessary to tell a feminist that rape is the most violent crime — with the emphasis on crime – that a woman can experience, short of murder. The FBI’s Uniform Crime Reports list rape as the second most serious violent felony. If the campus feminists really believed that campuses are experiencing an epidemic of criminal sexual assault, they would demand that every campus sexual-assault allegation be brought in criminal court, where the assailant can be sentenced to years in prison if convicted. Instead, they favor secret proceedings before an increasingly byzantine set of campus tribunals made up of judicially clueless bureaucrats and professors whose most severe punishment is expulsion. Imagine if a stranger broke into a female’s dorm room at night and raped her at knifepoint. Would that case be taken to the campus Title IX gender-bias tribunal? Unlikely. If someone were merely robbing females of their iPads at gunpoint around the campus library, that case, too, though far less serious than rape, would most certainly be prosecuted criminally.
    Parroting over 20 years worth of feminist propagandizing, the White House claims nearly 20 percent of female college undergraduates are sexually assaulted during their college years. To put that number in perspective: Detroit residents have been fleeing the city for years due to its infamous violent crime. And what constitutes an American urban crime wave? In 2012, Detroit’s combined rate for all four violent felonies that make up the FBI’s violent-crime index — murder, rape, robbery, and aggravated assault — was 2 percent. The rape rate was 0.05 percent. And yet, despite an alleged campus sexual-assault rate that is 400 times greater than Detroit’s, female applicants are beating down the doors of selective colleges in record numbers.
    How could highly educated baby-boomer mothers, who have spent their maternal years fending off phantom risks to their children from pesticides and vaccines, suddenly send their daughters off to a crime scene of such magnitude, unmatched even in the most brutal African tribal wars? What happened to the Sisterhood? Shouldn’t it be warning its members and forming alternative structures for educating females? Instead, every year, millions of girls walk into this alleged maelstrom of violence like innocent lambs to slaughter. Even more puzzling, every year those same girls graduate from that cauldron of predation in ever more disproportionate numbers, and go on to lead highly lucrative careers.

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