February 8, 2025

She loves M & M’s, she is a Cincinnati Reds baseball fan and she admits to being a little obsessed with sandwich containers—and, like a Zip-Lock bag, senior Wittenberg Field Hockey forward Beth Warning’s game is airtight.
Warning is in her fourth year with the women’s field hockey team, and is a versatile athlete, as she used to play both lacrosse and field hockey in high school. Warning said that she grew to love field hockey more. And, according to Warning, her decision to play field hockey at Wittenberg was one of the best decisions of her life.
Warning is also an avid traveler, and studying abroad in Denmark for a semester, as well as visiting 13 different countries—the Netherlands being one of her favorite—have also been major highlights of Warning’s college experience.
“Studying abroad was the greatest decision I’ve made at Witt, besides playing field hockey,” Warning said. “It was the perfect mixture of getting to know myself and getting to know other cultures.”
Warning also said that some of her favorite memories have been with the field hockey team, whether that is traveling to overnight games, taking team trips to Yellow Springs or dressing up as part of the Halloween practice tradition.
“For my team, the first word that comes to mind is family,” Warning said. “Our team is a very fun, hardworking, charismatic team that is always there for one another.”
While Warning shares a close bond with her team, she is quite involved on campus off-the-field. In addition to playing field hockey, Warning is a tour guide, student trainer, Athletic Policies Committee Member and athletic department worker for field hockey. She is also involved in S.A.A.C. and Gamma Phi Beta, and she is majoring in Financial Economics and minoring in Business.
She says that while time is sometimes an issue, getting into a routine really helps her to get through.
“Being involved helps me to manage my time better because I am forced to schedule my time accordingly and efficiently,” Warning said.
However, when Warning does manage to find a little bit of free time, she likes to look up new recipes on Pinterest, watch “New Girl,” run and socialize with friends.
“I love to be around the people that I love—that’s one of the reasons why I wish I could stay at Witt for the rest of my life,” Warning said.
Just as she has been able to effectively manage her time while in college, Warning also has her post-graduation life planned out. After graduating this spring, Warning will begin working for Fifth Third Bank in June 2015 as part of the Commercial Associates Program.

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