February 12, 2025

10/29/14  Officers were dispatched to a residence on Woodlawn Ave. in reference to a broken window. The student stated an unknown person broke the window on 10/29/14 at approximately 2230 hours.
10/31/14  Officers were dispatched to Firestine Hall in reference to a male urinating outside. The student was issued a Dean’s Summons for the infractions.
10/31/14 Officers were dispatched to a residence in reference to a broken vehicle window. A student stated his passenger window had been broken out between the reported date and 10/29/14. The vehicle was unattended at the time.
10/31/14  Officers were dispatched to Firestine Hall in reference to a found iPad. Officers are attempting to locate the owner.
11/1/14  Officers were dispatched to a residence on N. Wittenberg Ave. in reference to a possible burglary. The student stated he heard noises upstairs. Officers checked the residence, but could not locate anyone. Nothing was missing from the residence.
11/1/14  Officers were flagged down in reference to a physical altercation. The altercation started over a mutual female acquaintance. Both males were cited into the Dean’s office and declined to file charges.
11/2/14  Officers were dispatched to a party at a residence on Woodlawn Ave. in reference to an injury to a student. The student stated he was struck over the head by a beer bottle. A medic was summoned, but the injury was deemed not serious enough for transport. No suspects were listed at the time of this report.
11/2/14  Officers were dispatched to meet with a student in reference to a physical altercation involving a student and a bouncer at McMurray’s bar. SPD was handling the call.
11/2/14  Officers assisted SPD in reference to the assault of a student. The student stated he was leaving the bar through the alley when he was struck in the back of the head. The student defended himself with a pocket knife, injuring two of the assailants. SPD is investigating the incident, and an emergency alert was issued on campus.
11/2/14  Officers were dispatched to Synod Hall in reference to a restraining order. The student was advised the court actually issued a restraining order.
11/2/14  Officers were dispatched to meet with a student having some mental health issues. A medic was summoned, and the student was transported for evaluation.
11/2/14  Officers were dispatched to meet with two students in reference to a physical altercation. The student stated a male assaulted her at a party by pulling down her hat and smacking her in the back of the head. The victim’s boyfriend then confronted the male and he was punched in the eye. All parties were intoxicated at the time. Student Development was notified.
11/3/14  Officers were dispatched to Firestine Hall in reference to a smoke alarm. Officers spoke to the resident and he stated he was using an e-cigarette. The alarm was reset.
11/4/14  Officers were dispatched to a residence on Woodlawn Ave. in reference to a falling tree branch. The student stated a branch fell, smashing his rear window. A report and photos were completed.

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