According to the Wittenberg Admissions Department, the current number of applications for the class of 2019 is 1,000 higher than the school’s average for the previous five years. This news comes even after Wittenberg has met its enrollment goals for the past two years. This follows a national trend which shows both an increase in the number of Americans with bachelor degrees and an increasing difference in earnings received between those who went to college and those who did not, according to census data.
Karen Hunt, director of admission, attributes the success of this admissions cycle to years of work and long-term thinking, saying, “The early indicators of success we are seeing are more likely based on the seeds we planted two years ago when the seniors in high school this year were sophomores. That, combined with new academic programs, is contributing to the increase in applications. Additionally, there is excellent work taking place in athletics to build on the successful recruitment from the coaching staff.”
Hunt was also quick to attribute the success to the work of the entire department.
“I am so appreciative to the admission and financial aid teams who are working very efficiently to manage this increase in the number of highly interested students,” she said. “And we could not be successful without the help of the Wittenberg community. It takes all of us working together to get the class each year.”
While the good news from Wittenberg admissions comes as the economy improves across the region and country, Hunt was cautious about reading into that trend.
When asked if the increase in applications will likely lead to a lower acceptance rate or larger class size, Hunt replied, “Our goal is to increase the class size while maintaining the academic quality.” She also noted that when considering the balance between desire for larger class with the potential of overcrowding, “We work closely with other offices on campus, specifically with the Dean of Students and the Provost’s office, and under the leadership of the President, to determine the goals for the size of the class.”
This high figure comes 17 days prior to the Mar. 15 regular admissions deadline. Prospective students will then be notified of their decision by Apr. 1. Finally, the class of 2019 should be formed a month later when deposits are due.