February 12, 2025

Wittenberg student government has created a new platform to introduce Student Senate members called “Saturday Senators Spotlight.” This program is a new opportunity for each member of Student Senate to be introduced to the Wittenberg community.
This year, Student Senate wanted to bridge the gap between the student body and the designated students that represent them personally with a voice and vote every Tuesday night.
“Student Senate is the platform for which you can address your concerns, and you don’t have to be an elected representative to voice them either,” said Senior Class President Kayla Villegas.
“It was the Senate President, Zach Lough’s, idea as a way for the student body to develop an image of each senator and an understanding of our individual objectives,” said Public Relations Senator Muata Howard.
The Saturday Senators Spotlight is meant for students to see a photo posted of each senator, giving a brief who, what, where, when, why and how about their roles at Wittenberg.
After uploading the Student Senate minutes from the Tuesday meeting, Howard reveals a fun fact on Wednesday of the senator being featured that week.
“In the past, I think senators have felt like this far off representative, doing work that really no one knows about,” Villegas said.
“Members of Student Senate appreciate recognition and availability by the student body,” Howard said. “We seek to maintain a strong image of transparency and availability to the student body.”
The first senator that was featured was Villegas. You can find the Saturday Spotlight on Student Senate’s Facebook page.
Student Senate meets every Tuesday night at 7 p.m. in the lower level of the Shouvlin Center. Villegas encourages all students to attend a meeting and see what they’re about.
To view the Student Senate Facebook page, please visit:

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