July 27, 2024

Off to the Ohio State University, Director of Student Conduct and Deputy Title IX Coordinator Krystal Reeb will be saying her final goodbyes to Wittenberg this October.
“I’m leaving here with a bittersweet ending. I love Wittenberg,” Reeb said.
Coming to Wittenberg in 2010 straight out of grad school, Reeb started her stint at Witt as an area coordinator before transitioning into student conduct.
“It was my first post-grad position,” Reeb said. She was attracted to Witt’s liberal arts program.
“I knew this was the atmosphere I wanted to be in, so Wittenberg matched that and I decided to join,” Reeb said.
Working with students at difficult moments and dealing with various and sometimes serious offenses was the beginning of a difficult, yet rewarding job for Reeb.
“I get to work with students when they’re most vulnerable,” she said. “I me[e]t them for not-so-great reasons, but I can build relationships with those students. That’s what keeps me coming back.”
The relationships Reeb built with students “guided [her] knowledge in the field,” knowledge that has prepared Reeb for the next step in her profession.
According to Reeb, her supervisors Mark DeVilbiss and Casey Gill also played a role in preparing her for this next step.
“They let me make mistakes,” Reeb said. “I’m very young for a director of student conduct, but there was trust; there was leadership; there was friendship.”
Of Reeb, Gill wrote, “Krystal possesses a number of qualities that will make her exceedingly difficult to replace. She is smart, passionate, hardworking and completely trustworthy. She has been an amazing colleague in every way, and I will miss her very much.”
On the sweeter side, the position at OSU will allow Reeb to be closer to home and family living “just south of Columbus.”
OSU’s main campus is one of the largest public research institutions in America, with over 50,000 students, compared to Witt’s tight-knit community.
“It’s going to challenge me in different ways,” she said.
Reeb leaves Witt students with this piece of advice: “Don’t be afraid to challenge yourself and to make mistakes.”
According to Gill, a transition plan will be in place shortly.

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