January 22, 2025

1/23/2016 While on patrol, officers observed a non-student walking northbound on Alumni Way, which is Wittenberg University property. The non-student had been criminally trespassed from Wittenberg University on Mar. 27, 2013. The non-student was charged with criminal trespass. He was taken to the Clark County Jail for processing and released.
1/23/2016 Officers seized a wallet from a non-student. The wallet belonged to a student, and contained a fake I.D. The student admitted to having the fake I.D., and stated that a friend made it for him while he was still in high school. The fake I.D. was confiscated and submitted into property. This case has be submitted to Student Development for review.
1/24/2016 Officers were dispatched to Firestine Hall in reference to an assault. Officers spoke with two students, who stated that they had been arguing, and the argument became physical. The student who had been assaulted did not wish to pursue charges. This case has been referred to Student Development for review.
1/24/2016 Officers were dispatched to the Tower parking lot in reference to a green, leafy substance found in the lot. The substance was submitted to property.
1/25/2016 Officers observed a gold vehicle enter the intersection of W. Ward St. and N. Fountain Ave. on a red light. Officers stopped the vehicle and identified the driver as a non-student. The non-student appeared to be intoxicated and completed a series of field sobriety tests which she failed. She was charged with red light violation and OVI, and ordered into court.
1/27/2016 While issuing a citation for a vehicle parked on the grass, officers observed tire ruts in the yard at 1009 Woodlawn Ave. It appeared as though vehicles have made their own entrance and exit through the yard. This incident has been referred to Student Development for further review.

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