September 15, 2024

Alpha Xi Delta restored its presence on Wittenberg’s campus after pledging 32 new members on Feb. 7, according to new member, Zoe Irving ‘16.
AXDBefore the restoration, the chapter had been absent from Wittenberg’s campus for over 22 years, according to the Alpha Xi Delta website.
As part of the restoration process, alumni members of Wittenberg’s previous Alpha Xi Delta chapter helped to reinstall the Zeta chapter at Wittenberg by taking part in Bid Day activities and the pledging ceremony that took place during the evening of Bid Day, according to new member, Camila Quiñones ‘17.
“As we talked to alum members throughout the day, they kept telling us how thankful they were for helping to bring their home back to Wittenberg,” Quiñones said.
Several of the new members, including Quiñones, Irving and Rachel Porrello, ‘19, said that the chance to be one of the colonizing women was a heavy factor in the decision to become a part of Alpha Xi Delta.
“I love creating something and building something from the ground up and leaving a legacy,” Quiñones said. “I’ve always loved the idea of creating something that can inspire other people to change or inspire people to become better than who they are now.”
The 32 new members of Alpha Xi Delta’s pledge class are not only representative of all class years, but they are also involved in a multitude of other activities, Quiñones said.
“There’s people that I’ve met that I’ve never even seen on campus or never talked to before [joining Alpha Xi Delta],” Quiñones said. “It’s really cool to see all these people come together who are not only involved in so many different things, but who also have so many different personalities.”AXD2
As the members undergo the colonization process throughout the semester, they will also partake in colony meetings, sisterhood events and socials with other Greek organizations on campus.
Alpha Xi Delta will also be hosting philanthropy events (times and dates to be determined) with all proceeds going towards the sorority’s national philanthropy, Autism Speaks.
Additionally, in order to raise awareness about autism, Alpha Xi Delta will encourage Wittenberg to participate in the “Light it Up Blue” campaign on April 2, Porrello said.
“Light it Up Blue” is a campaign in which thousands of buildings throughout the world shine bright blue lights and individuals wear blue in order to honor those who are affected by autism, according to the Autism Speaks website.
In addition to organizing philanthropy events, the new members of Alpha Xi Delta must establish their image on Wittenberg’s campus, according to Irving.
“[I want Alpha Xi Delta] to be a place where you can be yourself without any worry whatsoever,” Irving said. “You can find friends in Alpha Xi no matter who you are.”
As those members of Alpha Xi Delta work to plan events and further establish themselves on campus, there are also plans to select and renovate a chapter house on campus.
Additionally, Irving said that the chapter hopes to reach Panhellenic total of 90 women by the end of formal recruitment of 2017.
In order to keep the chapter on pace with all of their goals, a representative from Alpha Xi Delta’s national office will work with the new members on campus for the next five years, Irving said.

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