February 8, 2025

Athletes In Action [AIA] is not just a Wittenberg club made up of 15 students, but a world-wide ministry that supports athlete relationships with God.
As a branch of Cru, the organization has goals that are specific to reaching every team on every campus in every nation. Their aim is to specifically reach athletes who enjoy serving other athletes.
“My favorite thing about AIA is the way I have seen sports create connections between students on our campus,” Kelsey Mack, senior and AIA president, said. “I have seen these connections first hand in my own life, and I love seeing the connections that a love for sports can bring others as well.”
Mack began serving as the president of AIA this semester, and is also serving as the Wittenberg Sportlinc representative with AIA headquarters in Xenia, Ohio. Because Xenia is so close to Wittenberg, the campus club gets to go to the headquarters for retreats and other events. However, opportunities extend much farther than that.
There are mission opportunities over spring break to locations such as South Africa, East Asia and Puerto Rico. Mack participated in the Ultimate Training Camp for AIA during a past summer where 200 athletes from across the United States traveled to Colorado.
“It was a physically intense camp focused on building connections with other athletes as well as intersecting sport with Christianity,” Mack said.
Members are encouraged to participate in retreats where AIA members from surrounding campuses come together to connect with each other, listen to speakers and traditionally play some late night dodgeball.
Wittenberg’s AIA meets on Monday nights in Blair 101 from nine p.m. to 10 p.m., and those involved are excited to welcome any new members at any time. In the past, Mack admits, AIA has not been successful at recruiting members, and she would love to change that as president. The ministry is using this semester to revamp AIA by increasing their advertising as well as changing the meeting format.
The number of participants is growing each week. Currently, all leadership positions are filled by seniors who will be graduating after the coming semester. They are looking for strong, devoted leaders to fill positions early in the spring semester. One does not have to be an athlete on campus to fit the criteria of a club member, but must be sport-minded.
During a typical meeting night, AIA likes to kick things off with an activity such as a “minute to win it” game. They then move into a Bible study that is typically aimed at helping sport-minded people think and live at the intersection of sport and Christianity.
Stop by Blair Hall on Monday nights to join the group of students in exploring the connection between athletics and Christianity.

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