February 14, 2025

An Adaptation Of “A Visit From St. Nicholas”
by Clement Clarke Moore
’Twas the week before Finals, when all through the Center
All centaurs were stirring, and using the stapler.
Clive’s stocking was hung by the front desk with care,
In hopes that the students soon would be there.
The advisors were nestled all snug in their chairs,
Discussing grammar and commas in small, little pairs.
And Maria in her blouse, and Ben in his cap,
Had just settled down for a long Center’s rap.
When out in the front, there arose such a clatter,
Rae sprang from her chair to see what was the matter.
Away to the desk Adam spun like a blender,
Logged into the computer and stared at the calendar.
The schedule was full, the slots all filled up!
So many papers, and essays, and labs to fix-up!
The many colors of sessions—red, grey and green—
Filled Reid and Kim’s eyes as they lit up the screen.
But twenty-five tutors and one real cool leader,
Were ready than ever to be the best readers.
Christian knew in a moment the Center was ready;
The Christmas tree was up and lights were hung steady.
And Zoey whistled, Kristen shouted and Courtney called advisors by name:
“Now, Meaghan! Now, Shannon! Now, Vivian and Anna!
On, Tyler! On, Libby! On, Kailey and Amanda!
To the desks, and the chairs, and the whiteboard wall!
Now, write away! Read away! Talk away all!”
As pens that before the wild hurricane blew,
Madelyn met an obstacle, a style too new!
To the citation station Karina and Madison flew
To look at the handbooks, and manuals, too—
And then, in a twinkling, Dr. Mattison appeared,
To help fix the problems, he volunteered.
Then Camila asked, “How do we fix this misspelled noun?”
And all the advisors, they hurried and gathered around.
A comma, not a noun, was truly the problem,
So Emily searched for a Writing News Lab column;
“I know it!” she cried, “everybody come see!”
So Sophie ran over, taking the lead.
“It’s a splice,” she said. “I knew it was true!”
And now the student’s sentences melded like glue.
But just when the advisors thought they were done,
A whole set of walk-ins had only just come;
What would they do? So many writers to see,
It was truly a writing and reading wonderland spree!
But the Center’s all booked and the advisors are busy,
All these papers to look at were making Anissa real dizzy.
Dr. Mattison came in, and he said, “Don’t worry,
There still are some openings if you come in a hurry!”
So don’t forget to fill your stockings this year,
With writing that’s balanced, coherent and clear.
Come down to the Center and book a session real fast!
Cause we’re reading, and writing, and having a blast!
But the schedule is filling, and the advisors are tight!
Don’t forget, We’re not here because students can’t write;
Which is our motto, it’s true.
Actually, in fact, we’re here ‘cause they do!
So come in to the Center, and take care of those finals;
We’ll look at your thesis, style and title!
And, of course, Happy Holidays from the Center that writes!
“Happy Writing to all, and to all a good night!”

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