January 31, 2025

On Wednesday, April 5, the CDR played host to the seventh annual Leadership Awards. Wittenberg’s Office of Student Involvement organized the ceremony to celebrate individuals, organizations or events that have impacted the Wittenberg community in a positive way.

From honoring Program of the Year and Advisors of the Year; to celebrating diversity, health and wellness or contributions to spiritual life; to recognizing Wittenberg’s unsung heroes – these are a few of the 22 awards that were given out to students and faculty. Nominations were gathered from the entire Wittenberg community, and through a selection committee comprised of students, faculty and staff, the winners were selected. This year there were 101 nominations that were sent into the selection committee.

The evening began with Jon Duraj, Associate Dean of Student Success and Retention, welcoming the 200-plus Wittenberg students and faculty in attendance. Charles North, ‘19, then took the stage to present the winners of four awards: Program of the Year – won by Sigma Delta Pi’s Immigration panel, Contribution to Community Involvement – won back-to-back years by Celebrate Service Programs, Celebration of Diversity – won by the Facing Project and the Contribution to Religious and Spiritual Life award – won by the Jewish Culture Club.

Next up it was Lucas George’s, ‘18, turn to present the winners of four awards: Outstanding Community Service and Philanthropy – won by the sorority of Alpha Delta Pi and the fraternity of Lambda Chi Alpha, Dietrich Academic Excellence – won by the sorority of Alpha Delta Pi with a GPA of 3.28 and the fraternity of Beta Theta Pi with a GPA of 3.19, Emerging Leader of the Year – won by Zach Hobson, ‘20, and the Unsung Hero Award – won by five individuals: Angie Fairbanks, Joe Robinette, Grace Whiteley, JoAnn Bennett and Brian LeMaster.

Following George, Lizzie McNeill, ‘18, introduced the winners of six awards: Advisor and Volunteer Advisor of the Year – won by Brandon Jones, Department of Music, and Drew Kolb, Beta Theta Pi, Contribution to Health and Wellness – Project Women Advocate Lindsey Criswell, Most Improved Greek Chapter – won by Phi Kappa Psi, Women of the Year – won by Megan Bobbitt, ‘18, Ruth Hoff and Carol Nickoson, and the Tiger Award – won by five individuals: seniors Kyle Powers, Kelsey Lorko, Kamyia Fletcher, Cameron Black and Evan Barnard.

Kayla Winn, ‘18, took the stage to present the winner of four awards: Contributions to Community Living – won by casino night, Richard R. Scott Faculty/Staff Member of the Year – won by Jon Duraj, Club Sport of the Year – won by Club Basketball and New Organization of the Year Award – won by Tiger Pep Band.

Last but not least, it was Duraj and Sadowski’s turn to announce the winners of the final four awards: Greek Woman of the Year – won by Molly Records, ‘17, from the sorority of Alpha Delta Pi, Greek Man of the Year – Joshua Marks, ‘17, from the fraternity of Phi Kappa Psi, Chapter of Excellence – won by the fraternity of Delta Tau Delta and Student Organization of the Year Award – won by Alpha Phi Omega.

Whether you won an award or you were there showing support, the event was well received by everyone involved.

“Things like tonight are the reason why I love Wittenberg,” Casey Gill, Dean of Students, said. ” To anyone who was nominated or won an award, you truly bring Wittenberg light on a daily basis.”

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