February 14, 2025

The 2018 Super Bowl was another great hit, and just as important as the game itself is the commercials. Companies put all of their creative effort together to create memorable advertisements that will be remembered for years to come. Some of the commercials sizzled with heat, some warmed the heart with love and some were not very good at all.

In honor of Valentine’s Day, here are the top five spiciest, sweetest and sourest Super Bowl commercials of 2018:


Tide – The commercial was absolutely ridiculous and kind of messed me up; I couldn’t help wondering if every commercial afterwards was a Tide commercial. But our “Stranger Things” star David Harbour sizzled in his stainless clothes for us all.

Lexus LS500 – The Lexus commercial featured Chadwick Boseman and Latitia Wright from the new “Black Panther” movie, which may be the sexiest movie of 2018. Oh, and the car is pretty cool looking, too.

Kia – Steven Tyler being zapped back to his young, sexy form? In a racecar? With dozens of adoring Aerosmith fans? Yes please.

“Westworld” – I haven’t seen the first season of this show, but this trailer for season two made me want to watch it. Spicy shots of Evan Rachel Woods alone are enough to make me want to take a look at this HBO hit.

“Mission: Impossible: Fallout” – I don’t care what the plot is. Tom Cruise is going to look good in it.


Toyota – Toyota released a series of incredibly sweet and inspirational commercials, including a look at Paralympic gold medalist Lauren Woolenstencroft, and a story of bringing different religious leaders together to watch a football game. They were all incredibly heartwarming and inspirational.

Tourism Australia – The scenery was beautiful and the Crocodile Dundee remake was hilarious. Who wouldn’t want to go to Australia after seeing that commercial? Don’t even get me started on how beautiful Chris Hemsworth is.

Dodge Ram – This commercial allowed us all to think about Black History Month as it played a speech from Martin Luther King, Jr. and inspired us all to work hard and work together. If that doesn’t fill you with love, I don’t know what could.

N.F.L. – It’s always a joy to see buff and intimidating athletes relax for a bit and let their limbs loose, and this commercial did a great job of relieving the tension of the game and letting everyone smile at their beautiful dance routine.

Veggie Basket – I have a soft spot for puns, and this commercial was absolutely chock full of them, or maybe chop full. Like the Puppy and Kitten Bowls, this adorable commercial warms the heart, and also shows you what vegetables are capable of.


Wendy’s – Okay we get it, McDonald’s stinks. Please find a new marketing technique.

M&Ms – I never understand how such a sweet and innocent candy can be so good at having gross commercials.

“The First Purge” – I don’t know a lot about this movie, but I was a bit unnerved by the implications it was making about the current state of our nation.

Febreze – I couldn’t understand what they were saying until the end of the commercial. What is #BleepDontStink even supposed to mean? What is ‘Bleep’? Why?

Avocados from Mexico – The millennial jokes were okay, but watching the whole thing just seemed so extra and forced. I was stressed out just watching it.

What did you think of this year’s commercials? Were they hot, heartwarming, or horrible? Regardless, they’re as memorable as always, and I’m sure we all look forward to what the Super Bowl has in store next year.

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