February 13, 2025

As the second week of classes begins to wind down, I feel myself getting antsy. I’m at the beginning of my senior year here at Wittenberg, and there is a list of to-dos on my dresser that’s a page and a half long. Granted, many of those things are to-dos that I’ve had since the beginning of the summer, but they’re to-dos nonetheless.

One of the top sections of my to-do list is solely dedicated to The Torch: get new InDesign programming, finalize a budget to attend the ACP conference, finally organize the office… the list goes on.

The Torch has been a part of my life since my freshmen year. I spent the past two years as Managing Editor, and now I have gotten to turn that duty over to junior Clay Waidelich. I’m incredibly excited to see where the editorial staff takes the publication this year, as I am the only senior with four juniors (Alexis Poliseno, Molly Burnett, Ariel Moss and Waidelich), and two sophomores (Braeden Bowen and Elena Dumm) jumping on board. Tom Stafford has graciously returned and has been providing wonderful story ideas and leadership throughout the summer.

So far, I’ve published 130 different pieces for The Torch (box scores still count!) and I’m looking toward a year with many more. Last year especially, I found myself not taking as many articles and not writing about my Hidden Gem column, but that’s about to change. There’s so much going on this year: beams have been raised at the HWA facility, new police officers have been hired and there has been a bunch of staff changes.

Our first meeting for The Torch this past week has provided me with hope in our staff, and hope that this year will continue on an upward spiral. I have hope that we will produce a publication each week that is better than the last, that the news of Witt captures students’ eyes and that this publication continues to mean things for not only our staff, but the entirety of the student body.

There’s a lot going on this year, as I’m sure unexpected events will occur (as they always do), but The Torch remains dedicated to being a source of news for Witt students, faculty and alumni. My hope is that this year, we will be able to retain engagement within our publication and to remain a paper of opportunity, hope and dedication.

Stay tuned, Witt. There’s a lot of good coming.

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