Shades of Pearl, a student organization that celebrates young minority women, hosted their spring...
Year: 2019
Paris Hilliard, known to his athletes as Paris, is the head coach for Wittenberg...
Anna Fox moved her family, friends and the Wittenberg community during her senior recital...
Q: Where can you get the best coffee in Springfield? A: The best coffee? How...
There’s a lot of excitement over one of Witt’s most recent arrivals: Thea, a...
On March 15 in Churchchrist, New Zealand, shooters opened fire on two different mosques,...
Student Involvement and Union Board recently released an email to the student body declaring...
Does anyone else notice how the whole mood and atmosphere of campus changes once...
There are 10 teams in the North Coast Athletic Conference (NCAC), each attached to...
Baseball 3-19-19 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 Final Wittenberg (5-5)...