January 8, 2025

Allie Ogden
Rumors have been spreading recently through YikYak about an outdoor swimming pool allegedly being built in the Hollow.  These rumors are untrue, according to President of Student Senate Zach Lough, ’17.
“It wouldn’t benefit students as far as success and engagement,” Lough said, explaining why Student Senate would not approve a project such as this.
Every year, students pay a total of $300 — included in their tuition — for student activities fees.  $200 of this goes to student organizations’ allocations.  This money is used to pay for registered organizations that register for a budget.  In the spring, Student Senate works with estimated numbers to allocate the budgets for the following fall.  It is this money that pays for organizations and clubs such as Union Board, PoWER, H.E.A.R.T., and many others.
The remaining $100 goes towards the capital fund.  This money is used for campus improvement to increase success and engagement in the university.  Lough said it generally gets saved for bigger projects.  This money is what was used to pay for Doppelgangers and Founders.  It was also used to pay for the Living Learning Communities in Tower Hall, and for new benches for the picnic tables outside the Student Center.
“Student activities fee money is used to benefit students and build their overall experience,” Lough said.  “Witt wouldn’t be what it is without having this money available.”
Though Witt won’t be seeing an outdoor swimming pool anytime soon, Student Senate does have other plans in the works.
“Student Senate is currently working on some student success and engagement initiatives,” Lough said.
When asked, however, Lough declined to elaborate on what these plans are.  While expressing a desire for Student Senate to be transparent, they are still in the rough draft stages, and they do not want to give away any information that could be completely different later.
Students can expect more information from Student Senate next semester.

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