“If there is an assignment online and the link doesn’t work or something isn’t functioning, and nobody emails me.” — Lori Askeland, Ph.D, associate professor of English
“The missed opportunity to engage with faculty.” — John Ritter, Ph.D, professor and department chair of geology
“Being unaware of instructions given verbally, and in writing, repeatedly.” — Justin Houseknecht, Ph.D, associate professor of chemistry
“I hate when students come to class unprepared, and then, when they don’t take responsibility for themselves, and when they don’t participate.” — Sheree Henlon, Ph.D, assistant professor of languages (Spanish)
“It’s frustrating when students don’t take care of their physical health because, ultimately, it’s going to affect their psychological health.” — Nancy Woehrle, Ph.D, assistant professor of psychology
“Waiting till the last minute to do things and texting in class.” — Crispin Prebys, assistant professor of art