February 14, 2025

As the 2014-2015 school year winds to a close, I find myself reflecting on my experiences in my senior year at Wittenberg. Though it is my senior year, it is not the end of my time here.
That’s not to say that I don’t fondly look forward to coming back and visiting in the future; I will be returning next semester to finish my degree.
Senior year is not only about finishing with a Bachelor’s degree or applying for graduate schools or jobs (or even racking up more internships), but also for people who are still figuring out what they want to do and may not be finishing up in just four years.
Fall semester was my best at Wittenberg, but this one has been one of my worst. Not because of the difficulty of my classes, which are all technically doable, but because I have been depressed. That depression made it impossible for me to actualize the opportunity to graduate on time. I know that not everyone graduates in four years and that should be okay. But it hurts.
I know I did not set myself up for quick success here. I already have an Associate’s degree. As a transfer student, I missed out on precious time to create connections with my fellow students, and I am not all that adept at making friends in the first place. Where Wittenberg works for me is through the professors. I have received invaluable support from instructors here, especially within the English department.
To the members of the class of 2015 that are graduating soon: congratulations and good luck. I may never see you again, but your time here was ample preparation for the opportunities ahead. To everyone else: I will see you next fall.

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