February 12, 2025

Every other Wednesday night, Wittenberg students pack Founders Pub out of their love for trivia. Above the music blaring and reverberating, students banter and debate about modern occurrences. The music in the bar then cuts off and the patrons’ conversations stop. The voice at the front of the bar fills the space.

“Alright, the answer to number one: Vlasic Deli Dills,” Ray Dudek, chemistry professor, said.

Wednesday Night Trivia is a biweekly event that quiz teams continue to flock to nearly 10 years after its inception. Still proudly manning the ship of knowledge is Dudek.

Dudek had been doing trivia in a bar in Yellow Springs for a few summers until he was given the opportunity to start a program in the new Wittenberg themed pub that was starting in the lower deck of the student center.

Although Dudek hasn’t always pictured himself as a trivia guy, he has grown to love hosting and playing trivia.

“I don’t think, starting trivia, I had a love for trivia. I grew to love it,” Dudek said. “I think it’s sort of the knowledge aspect. I’m never going to ask who won best picture in 1937 – but I want something people are curious enough to search the answer for and there is some knowledge involved – or they should know the answer.”

Every team that plays gets to create their own team name (Quizards of Waverly Place, The Periodic Table Dancers, ESP and The Losing Team). One particular team at the bar was compiled of a few wiz-kids who were on the team, “Too Funk to Drunktion.”

Kieran Mouritsen, ‘19, keeps coming back to trivia with his friends, and shared some tips on how to become a better trivia player.

“We love to come out and have fun while talking about interesting topics,” Mouritsen said. “Go with your gut. Learn random trivia. Read the New York Times.”

If students need something to do on a Wednesday night, make sure to stop by and learn a thing or two while hanging out with some good people. As many see it, Wednesday Night Trivia will be around for a very long time.

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