February 12, 2025

As college students, who no longer go trick-or-treating, there are several other ways to get into the Halloween spirit.

Ghouls, goblins, ghosts, vampires, witches, mermaids, angels, devils and black cats—the list goes on and on, Halloween is the only holiday everyone can be whatever they want for a night.

Making a homemade costume for Halloween gives people a unique and personal flare to their holiday. Whatever you always wanted to be or have a connection with—be it for a night.

People also collaborate and work together to create couples or group costumes with their friends— which is often seen on college campuses.

With any holiday, it is best celebrated with the people who mean the most to you—whether that be family or friends—surrounding yourself with good, fun and pleasant people will make your holiday memorable.

In order to get into the spirit of Halloween, make sure you scare someone or get scared. This means watching scary movies and/or visiting a haunted house. Using a flashlight, you can also tell/read ghost stories to amplify the drama in them.

If you’re looking for something with a bigger thrill, get a group of friends together and use a Ouija board. There is no doubt that this will freak people out and make for great future scary stories.

For those people who do not wish to be scared in the spirit of Halloween, but do enjoy the mystical and magical holiday, there are several other traditions to celebrate Halloween.

Another popular Halloween tradition is carving pumpkins—often for fun and expressing creativity, people use these to light the way to their homes for trick-or-treaters or “good spirits,” but are also a unique decoration for the holiday.

Piggybacking off of that, do not go buy a pumpkin in your local Meijer. If you want to really get into the spirit, head over to Young’s Jersey Dairy and pick your own pumpkin in their pumpkin patch.

This also gives you the opportunity to go on a wagon ride and get lost in their corn maze with friends on the farm.

Try heading to at least one Halloween party around campus—dress as your favorite character, pun or duo, enjoy the company of the people around you and stay safe.

Don’t forget to eat lots of Halloween candy such as: Reese’s, KitKats, Twix, Snickers, Butterfingers, Starbursts, Skittles, etc. just for fun. An overdose of candy, or stomachache, is worth it for this holiday each year.

Last but not least, dance and scream-sing to Michael Jackson’s “Thriller” at least once tonight.

Happy Halloween!

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