“Red’s kinda sus.” Initially released over two years ago, on June 15th, 2018, by...
“Low-key, f*ck 2020” has been a motto for this year. With threats of WWIII,...
“I scream, you scream, we all scream for ice cream.” Albeit an old saying,...
(Warning: Contains Spoilers) 2020, the year of the pandemic, promotes the possibility of spending...
My journey through the world of music has led me to shed light on...
Netflix’s newly released supernatural thriller series “Locke & Key” is turning heads, and possibly...
Before I tear this book apart, I have to get something off my chest…...
Over the past few years, streaming mogul Netflix has launched countless shows such as...
Nobody hated high fantasy more than me. Nobody. I used to say, “if there’s...
About a month ago, I decided to pick up “The Female Persuasion” by Meg...