Wittenberg students nailed the performance of David Lindsay-Abaire’s “Rabbit Hole,” allowing audiences to step...
On the outskirts of Wittenberg’s campus, a blue Victorian style house sits at 156...
It is no secret that there is way more to Wittenberg’s campus life than...
Why do you thing the Paralympics aren’t as widely broadcasted as the Olympics? “There...
The strong smell of coffee assaults your nose as soon as you pull open...
Fishing is a sport that is enjoyed by a wide array of people. From...
Interested in studying abroad? Looking for a way to knock out some of those...
Here at Wittenberg, there is a diverse group of students who many don’t get...
Pocket Lint, Wittenberg’s very own improv comedy troupe, is highly dedicated to making fellow...
Wittenberg University focuses on tapping into specific educational skills that can help drive its...